Healthy Body

Are you interested in looking and feeling your best?

I am happy to say my portfolio career and more flexible work:life balance has given me the freedom; both financially & timewise to do things for love.

Dance Fitness classes

I am a qualified REPs Exercise to Music Instructor and pre COVID-19 & Lockdown Life, was teaching a weekly dance fitness class in Henley Leisure Centre.  The class is aimed at anyone who loves to dance whilst working out and the routines involve Latin & Ballroom dance steps from your favourite Strictly dance styles.  The Friday morning class has always been popular & if you would like to be notified of when my classes are able to resume, please fill in the contact form below.

Health & Well Being Products

I also offer a range of Health & Wellbeing products from one of the world’s best network marketing companies. This business simply fits into the nooks & crannies of my busy life and is very much a ‘people business’ for anyone who wants to look and feel their best.  I pride myself on being a ‘product of the products’ & feel certain they have influenced my own health, fitness & wellbeing. If you are interested in trying products which help you look and feel your best, please see link to my shop below.

There are also business opportunities associated with these products, so whether you are interested in an additional revenue stream to supplement your existing income, OR simply, just want to learn more about products which help you look and feel your best, I would be delighted to help. Please do get in touch.